An African Postcard

We are currently staying on location in South Africa. Even though we’ve been numerous times, this country never ceases to amaze in its natural beauty and the friendliness of its people. We thought we’d share these particular impressions taken last Saturday, July 30th 2011, in the Pilanesberg Game Reserve.

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Maternity, newborn and kids’ photoshoots in London, UK in September!

We still have availability for maternity, newborn and kids’ photo shoots in London, UK in September.

Create a fantastic portfolio of images of your little one in your favourite London location or the convenience of your home!

Outdoor or indoor photo shoots with kids and families!

Package prices starting GBP 45 including an online gallery of your pictures.

Get in touch on​.uk to find out more or reserve a space!

Also check out examples of our work on Facebook.


Memorial Day on the East Coast

I have just passed my first Memorial Day weekend in the United States. I was in Boston, MA for a couple of days for a wedding, but managed to get a glimpse of the occasion and of course the city!

Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May.  It was formerly known as Decoration Day, which was first recorded to have been observed by Freedmen (freed enslaved southern blacks) in Charleston, South Carolina in 1865, at the Washington Race Course, to remember the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War. The recognition of the fallen victims was then enacted under the name Memorial Day by an organization of Union veterans — the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) — to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War. Over time, it was extended after World War I to honor all Americans who have died in all wars. Now known as Memorial Day, it is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.

If you are interested in military history, check out this recent review of “How Wars End” by Gideon Rose on American warfare since WW1.

Memorial Day often marks the start of the summer vacation season. It truly was for my couple of days in Boston! With scorching temperatures of 86F (around 30C) and glorious blue skies most of the time it was a pleasure to explore the city, but more about that in a later post.

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